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Bibliographie sur la gouvernance informationnelle
ADBS (dir.). (2013). Documentaliste-Sciences de l’information, dossier « Gouvernance de l’information: perspectives pour une approche globale » (vol. 50 (1)). ADBS.
AIIM. (2013). Information governance: records, risks and retention in the litigation age. AIIM.
ARMA International. (2013). Generally accepted recordkeeping principles: Information governance maturity model. ARMA International.
Davis, J. R. (2010). Information governance as a holistic approach to managing and leveraging information. BeyeNetwork Custom Research Report prepared for IBM Corporation.
Donaldson, A. et Walker, P. (2004). Information governance: a view from the NHS. International Journal of Medical Informatics, (73), 281‑284.
GouvInfo et 3org Conseil. (2012). Gouvernance de l’information - Observatoire 2012. GouvInfo et 3orgConseil.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2011). What you should know about information governance: a guide for health and social care staff. Health Information and Quality Authority.
Hoke, G. E. J. (2011). Records management evolves to information governance. KMWorld Magazine, 20(1), 3.
Jules, A. et Lebigre, L. (dir.). (2013). Dossier « Gouvernance de l’information: perspective pour une approche globale ». Documentaliste-Sciences de l’information, 50(1), 22‑61.
Keyser, T. et Dainty, C. (2005). The information governance toolkit: data protection, Caldicott, confidentiality. Radcliffe Publishing.
Kooper, M. N., Maes, R. et Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (Edo). (2011). On the governance of information: introducing a new concept of governance to support the management of information. International Journal of Information Management, 31(3), 195‑200.
Logan, D. (2010). What is information governance? And why is it so hard? Gartner Blog Network.
Maurel, D., Dufour, C. et Zwarich, N. (2017). La valeur ajoutée de l’archiviste: nouveaux rôles et nouvelles responsabilités au sein de la gouvernance de l’information [The added value of the archivist: new roles and responsibilities in information governance]. La Gazette des archives, 2017‑1(245), 81‑96.
McLennan, A. (2014). Information governance and assurance: reducing risk, promoting policy. Facet Publishing.
McManus, J. (2004). Working towards an information governance strategy. Management Services Journal, 48(8), 8‑13.
National Health Service. (2010). Health and social care staff members: what you should know about information governance. National Health Service.
Queensland Government Chief Information Office. (2012). Implementing information governance, Final, June 2012, v.2.0.0. Queensland Government.
RSD S.A. (s. d.). Defining information governance policies. RSD S.A.
RSD S.A. (2014). The authoritative guide to information governance. RSD S.A.
Saffady, W. (2017). Information governance: concepts, requirements, technologies. ARMA International.
SerdaLAB. (2012). La gouvernance documentaire dans les organisations françaises. 2e enquête SerdaLAB, Livre blanc. Groupe SerdaLAB.
SerdaLAB. (2014). La gouvernance de l’information dans les organisations: services publics, entreprises privées, associations. 3e baromètre, Livre blanc. Groupe SerdaLAB.
Smallwood, R. F. (dir.). (2014). Information governance: concepts, strategies and best practices. Wiley.
Smallwood, R. F. (2016). Information governance for executives: fundamentals and strategies. Bacchus Business Books.
Smallwood, R. F. (2016). Introduction to information governance: concepts and fundamentals. Bacchus Business Books.
Soares, S. (2011). Selling information governance to the business: best practices by industry and job function. McPress.
The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM). (2011). How the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) complements ARMA International’s Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP). EDRM.
White, D., McManus, J. et Atherton, A. (2007). Governance and information governance: some ethical considerations within an expanding information society. The International Journal for Quality and Standards, 1(1), 180‑192.
Zwarich, N., Maurel, D. et Dufour, C. (2016). Le rôle stratégique de l’archiviste à l’ère de la gouvernance informationnelle [The strategic role of the archivist in the age of information governance]. Dans P. Servais et F. Mirguet (dir.), L’archiviste dans quinze ans: nouvelles attentes, nouvelles responsabilités, nouveaux défis. Actes des 15es Journées des Archives de l’Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 23-24 avril 2015 (p. 229‑248). Academia L’Harmattan.